Rebuilding Your Confidence 

Rebuilding Your Confidence – losing a job and/or not being able to secure a new one in this current climate, affects our wellbeing in many ways, in addition to our obvious financial stress!  Sometimes it is so hard to believe or see that there actually might be a light ahead that contains a brighter future.

Being told “thank you for your application, however you have been unsuccessful as we have gone with a candidate who better meets our needs” all the time can change the way we feel about ourselves, as it destroy our confidence and our feelings of worth.  “Why wasn’t I good enough?”, “Why am I not good enough” is what the narrative that swirls around in your head.  These messages can also interfere with how we move ourselves forward, particularly when we may have been chosen to go, such as in a workplace redundancy situaton, and others are chosen to stay. 

While we might feel that we are not “depressed” where we have trouble functioning on a daily basis, we may not also realise how this forced “time out” has affected us.  If we are out of the workforce for a length of time, then the “Why wasn’t I good enough?”, “Why am I not good enough” can become all-consuming and turns into “I am not good enough”.  That is why rebuilding your confidence and your self esteem is so important.  

Additionally, if you do not work towards rebuilding your confidence and self-esteem, you take the baggage of now, into tomorrow.

As both a Strategic Career Specialist AND The Positivity and Transformation Specialist, I help clients build a positive mindset, where career and life challenges can then be seen as opportunities to grow, and definitely to be overcome.  Overcoming negative self-talk which has then turned into negative self-belief, because despite what you do nothing seems to be working, is what I feel is the most powerful thing that I can do for someone.  

Skills that relate to work can be learned, but it is the life skills of resilience and self-belief that is the hurdle that we have to jump through when times get tough.

Apart from personal rebranding with a Professional Resume and LinkedIn Profile, interview skills coaching and confidence building sessions all work toward that goal of presenting yourself in the best possible way, and in the best possible light.  

It is true, that you have only one chance to make a good impression both on paper and in person, so this holistic overhaul is something would be of value to you in your next chapter.  

Choosing a professional to help rebuild your confidence during times of Redundancy/Outplacement, or simply when life has gotten you down, is a very personal choice as it can be a challenge to make decisions about how you move forward.

Many websites say the same or similar things and I suggest that you choose to work with someone who you feel you have a connection with, and whose words mean the most to the way you think.   

Clients come to me come because they are both comforted by what they are told, and that they know in their hearts that they have been told the truth, even though the truth may be hard to hear at times.  

While I am always your “soft place to fall”, I am also your accountability partner – this is so important for you in this situation, because if noone holds you accountable, your life will not change for the better, and your confidence will plummet even further.  I will not let you sabotage yourself, so I help you see where you might be doing that, because you deserve better than what you are currently experiencing.  Everything I  do and say is from the heart, backed up with what I know of the expectations of the workplace. 

Sometimes I am just that motivating and driving force that can help you see your potential, even though you may be struggling to see it yourself.

That is the sort of person you need to find for yourself, because you deserve to be happy, you are worthy of being happy, and you are definitely worth it!



Rebuilding Your Confidence

Ready to Get your Confidence Back?

The longer you leave it, the longer it will be before your back to your real self

What else does anne do?

Anne McDowell Consulting

Anne is also known as: the positivity and transformation specialist

A Mindset Coach across mindset, change and resilience.
She helps people to positively transform their thinking to cope with, get through, and bounce back from tough situations.
She does this through: one-to-one coaching, and digital coaching (podcasts supercharged with visual content)